The Face & Body Clinic

Home Services Breast Lift/Reduction

Breast Lift/Reduction

Aesthetic Surgery Procedure

Corrects loose, sagging breasts by reshaping the breast, raising the nipple to a higher position and restoring breast firmness. Can reduce the size of areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipple), when desired.


Surgical removal of excess skin to raise the nipple and tighten hthe breast tissue. incision patterns may vary, depending on degree of skin excess and amount of lifting required as well as patient and surgeon porefernce . Common patterns include inverted T (incision around the areola, vertically down to a horizontal incision along the breast crease), vertical (incision around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease) and peri-areola (incision around the areola).

Generally performed inder general anesthesia.

COMPLEMENT: May be performed in conjuction with breast augmentation where greater volume is disired.


Swelling subsides in 2-4 weeks . Breast shape may take 1-3 months to fully refine. Continued falttening and fading of incision lines for up to 1 year.